Pathways with Amber Stitt

Focus on Money: The Principle of Accountability can drive your Money Goals

Amber Stitt

Today on #ThePathwaysofPeakPerformance, Kyle Christensen and I speak about the Principle of Accountability.

"The price of greatness is responsibility." - Winston Churchill

People need to be accountable and have Consciousness of what they are doing with their Money. Would you agree?

Only 39% of Americans have $1,000 available for emergency expenses.

How many of you know enough that they could cover unexpected life events and also put money towards real investments? 
What about Assets that produce income?

This episode will help to motivate you and give you the insight to consider being more accountable. Let's do better today!

You can learn more about Kyle and his team here:

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How to find Kyle? Kyle's book on Amazon:

#amberstittshow, #fiveth, #uniqueadvantage, #principlesbasedplanning, #principles, #financialplanning #personalfinance #insurance